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Dr. Simone Fatichi: Vegetation as a filter of interannual climate variability
Day 3 Keynotes - Natasha Macbean and Simone Fatichi
Impact of interannual climate variability... - Groth - Workshop 3 - CEB T3 2019
2020 Hydrology Early Career Award November Lecture Series: Frontiers in Ecohydrology
Day 2 Keynotes - Isaya Kisekka and Natalia Tonti
Large-scale Ocean Circulation and Climate: Interannual Climate Variability by Anand Gnanadesikan
Shai Sela: Water-vegetation feedbacks in sealed environments
Modification of land-atmosphere interactions by CO2 effects
A taste of Extremes in Water Science July 13 2020 - Lecturer Simon Papalexiou - intro Roberto Deidda
Student's poster session
Round table discussion: understanding the eco-hydrological processes and vegetation patterns?